Thursday, January 25, 2007


Ok. Velius totally need to get THIS for our next party. What is more fun than hearing Simon trash talk after each round! :)


Velius said...

Uhhh....but I think I already know I suck at need for Simon to reinforce that notion.

Anonymous said...

Does Paula babble some nonsense to try to make you feel better?

moonfleck said...

Yes, except it is "laura" and not Paula.

Kungfucius said...

I debated long and hard whether to get the party edition that Velius had or the AI edition, but I decided to pass on the AI edition for now until it goes down a bit in cost. But in the meantime, I'll work on my "I don't wanna be" singing :P

Tochi said...

I bet (videos of) these Houston auditions @ Velius's will be much more entertaining than what we've seen on AI this season.