Friday, January 12, 2007

Just something interesting

Pachebel's Rant (A comedian rants about how much it sucks to play Pachelbel's Canon in D on a cello. Recorded live at Penn State, this piece by comedian/musician Rob Paravonian has been a favorite on the Dr. Demento Show)

This is more of a rant on the similarities of most pop music chords than Pachebel's Canon. I suddenly remembered Kaz's post about pop music earlier that talks about album sales being way down and "How To Save A Life" is #1 digital download of the year. I totally agree with him about the songs. I am sure there are several reasons why music sales sucks, one being they make you buy the package deal where most song sucks. One other being how music companies are such giant conglomerate now they just worry about their bottom line so they don't bother actually promoting good music. But the one thing that annoys me is how every song sounds alike. The defining characters tics of our generation's popular music is not how it is hip hop or boy bands or pop princesses, it is how it is all so damn repetitive. Every single song has the format "A A B B C C A B" repeat ad nauseum. I am sure they have some formula going in the backroom that says this song is going to be a hit because we will be playing it 50 times an hour and it will be so catchy it can't help being a hit. But of course it will be a hit for 2 weeks and nobody will ever think of it again except in the numerous end-of-the-year lists they put out.


Kungfucius said...

Haha nice video :) However, as much as Rob wants to rant about how bad Pachelbel's Canon is on the cello, he has no idea how bad viola parts are on the remaining 99.7% of classical music out there -_-

Anonymous said...

Tru dat! You violas are like the third-violins :p The basses have it worse, but that's what they get for thinking that size matters.