Sunday, September 02, 2007


So M has finally decided to upgrade her camera (which is a Nikon Coolpix I bought for her Sophmore year). After looking around, we decided to get a Canon S5IS. It seems to be the best out of the point and shoot categories. Having a 12x optical zoom would definitely help with taking brighter pictures, and it is not too complex that M can't play around with it. So now I have to find a good deal with it. This is the time when I wish Amazon headquarters wasn't here.


Kungfucius said...

If M is willing to compromise a little bit, Dell has a deal on the Canon S3 (the camera I recently got) for $251 after rebate.

Having 12x optical zoom is definitely awesome :)

moonfleck said...

yeah. one thing she won't compromise on is a 2.5 inch LCD display. so I guess we can't go S3 :(

Anonymous said...

I am also considering the S5, as it is not longer much more expensive than the S3. The S3 is a great camera, and the knock against the S5 is that it isn't much better. Then again, since the price is in freefall, it's no longer much pricier than the S3.

I keep checking Amazon to see how much the price will fall. I have seen it under $350, if you keep checking it every few days.

moonfleck said...

I think I might buy a combo off newegg. It comes with whole bunch of other crap for like 40 bucks more. Since I would have to buy memory card, and battery charger and a bag.

moonfleck said...

I saw this link selling it for $265,

I wonder why the price discrepancies are so big. should I trust it?

Tochi said...

Pass on your Canon P&S, and get yourself a dSLR. :) (I bet you saw this coming).

Btw, if you order from one of the sponsor'd vendors from Amazon and they are out-of-state, you don't have to pay tax.

Kungfucius said...

According to the comments at, buyers using seem to be having some pretty bad experiences.

Tochi said...

It's almost amusing to read how BAD those comments were for DNerds.

Anonymous said...

Wow, their Better Business Bureau record is pretty bad too. How are they even still in business? I guess there are enough gullible people out there buying their overpriced accessories that they can continue to make a profit.

moonfleck said...

wow. thats pretty crazy. thanks for the links to the reviews. I thought it was too good to be true, but man, I was shocked at how rude they could be. I can't believe how they scammed all the ratings on websites. THey are probably all by the same company. seller, rater..