Friday, October 26, 2007

Crysis Demo

The long awaited but probably unplayable Crysis PC demo is coming out tomorrow. You can download it at the Nzone website (I would wait a day, the bandwidth hog could be humongous). And just in case you think your PC might meet the requirement, they have a helpful "test your system" button on the website so they can show you how sucky your PC really is :)

In case you forgot what this is, here is the official blurb:

"With mankind facing an alien cataclysm, your elite Delta force and North Korean forces combine, united by common humanity in a battle to save Earth. Graphically stunning, tactically challenging and always intensely immersive, Crysis sets player choice at the heart of its gameplay, with customisable tactical weaponry and adaptable armour allowing instant response to changing conditions. "


Anonymous said...

Those are some crazy reqs. I failed the minimum CPU req, since I only have 1.86GHz, and my video card was not good enough for the recommended settings (8 series WTF?!). These settings are like a bad joke, similar to Oblivion.

Anonymous said...

Out of all the possible armies to ally with, why North Korean? Are they trying to make up for the fact that we've portrayed them as the enemies an a zillion other videogames?

moonfleck said...

No, they are going to fight North Koreans first.. to fullfill the "kill communists" fans, and then the aliens land, then they are going to fullfill the "kill aliens" fans :)

Anonymous said...

Are they illegal aliens?

Kungfucius said...

I just installed and tried the demo out. I had pretty low expectations on it running, but juse like in WiC, if I turned everything onto low, it managed to run on 800x600 :P I think my USB sound card though needs to go. The sound was pretty craptacular and scratchy sounding the entire time.

With that said, the suit is pretty awesome, and I can see people coming up with a ton of creative ways to play through the game.

Anonymous said...

Ahem...I happen to have a very nice sound card for sale if you are interested :)

Kungfucius said...

Problem is I heard Vista has had some issues with Creative cards :P