Monday, October 08, 2007

Myers Briggs

So I was randomly reminded of my Myers Brigg's test that I did for my old company. Then that got me thinking, what personality type is Dr. House. I first thought it would be INTJ, but I looked it up online (and yes, apparently other people think about this too lol) and everybody agrees he is INTP because he is so observant and likes to delegate out all the work so I guess that makes sense. There were some heated discussion about what Spider-man is too. They can't decide if he is feeling or thinking since he seems very emotional.

Anybody else did this test before? and what are your results? Here is a simple test

To start: I am INTJ (although I am really trending towards P all the time I think.)

Update: here is a link of brief descriptions of the personality types. I feel like this is a better page than most because alot of other websites are quite pedantic. See if it fits you :) so far, I thought Kung and Velius' description fits them quite well as far as big pictures go (except for Velius and lawn mowing hehe )


Kungfucius said...

ISTJ here...

I am
* moderately expressed introvert
* slightly expressed sensing personality
* moderately expressed thinking personality
* moderately expressed judging personality

Velius said...


I am:
* distinctively expressed extravert
* moderately expressed sensing personality
* moderately expressed thinking personality
* very expressed judging personality

Velius said...

Oddly enough, if you answer all 'no' you get 1% everything except 12% thinking. If you answer all "yes" you get service unavailable, try again later.

Tochi said...


# slightly expressed introvert
# moderately expressed intuitive personality
# slightly expressed thinking personality
# moderately expressed perceiving personality

Have to read up on what that means again.