The task of recapping this trip is rather daunting as so much stuff has happened in 4 days and I am not really that good at remembering the details. so I guess I will do my best. I thought I would post the photos first. We had together about 1000 pictures. I have eliminated them down to 170. I had to get rid of alot of good pictures but I think uploading a thousand pics is a bit much. The pictures are based on chronological order and I made a map of our itinerary. As you can see we pretty much ran all the way around the Island except the most Eastern section. It is ALOT of driving as the island is about as big as Connecticut and Rhode Island put together except more mountainous.
Moonfleck's Hawaii Album
You and Paddy took some beautiful pictures there :) I hope I can visit Hawaii sometime in my lifetime.
Your "Japanese Tourist" and "Gangster" pictures feature the same clothing, are you insinuating that all Japanese Tourists are gangsters!!??
Wow. Awesome pictures! So many photos were framed and modelled so beautifully.
Thanks for sharing them with us!
aww thanks :) Paddy is an aspiring photographer. She took all these interesting artistic photos. I usually just point and click haha. You can't really tell since I didn't put up pictures that are just her.
Yes velius.. secretly. they are all ganstas lol.
I believe the term is "yakuza". Great pics with some surprisingly varied scenery.
Dang, that is some nice looks so relaxing there! I am quickly losing all motivation to keep working hard.
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